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  • 1. On Morse and the telegraph see Lewis Coe (1993; on Bell and the telephone see Robert Bruce (1990). On Oberlin Smith see Mark Clark "The Magnetic Recording Industry" (1992) and his Chapter 2 of Magnetic Recording: the First 100 Years, edited by Daniel et. al. (1999).
  • 2. On Poulsen see Begun's Chapter 1 (1949), and Mark Clark "The Magnetic Recording Industry" (1992) and his Chapter 3 of Magnetic Recording: the First 100 Years (1999).
  • 3. On Sayville and the Navy, see Morton (1995) pp. 89-90.
  • 4. On Stille and Begun see Begun's Chapter 1 (1949) and Mark Clark's Chapter 4 of Magnetic Recording: the First 100 Years (1999).
  • 5. On Pfleumer see Friedrich Engel's Chapter 5 of Magnetic Recording: the First 100 Years (1999).
  • 6. On steel tape in the 1930s, see Begun's Chapter 1 (1949), Morton Chapter 3 (1995).
  • 7. On the German Magnetophone see Friedrich Engel's Chapter 5 of Magnetic Recording: the First 100 Years (1999) that used primary documents of BASF (now EMTEC).
  • 8. On Mullin see Nmungwun's Chapter 4 (1989) that used primary documents of Ampex and interviews with Mullin; see also the Mullin videotape from the Audio Engineering Society.
  • 9. On Crosby see Nmungwun's Chapter 4 (1989); the Mullin videotape (1989); Schoenherr "Der Bingle Technology" (2002); Ampex quote from Perry (1967).
  • 10. On Begun see Begun's Chapter 1 (1949) ; Beverley Gooch's Chapter 6 of Magnetic Recording: the First 100 Years (1999); letter from Ralph J. Oace to Bert S. Groves, Jan. 31, 1964.
  • 11. On motion picture sound see Belton (1992).
  • 12. On the magnetic drum see Schoenherr "The Magnetic Drum" (2003).
  • 13. On UNIVAC see Gray (2001); on SAGE see Spicer (2000) and Schoenherr "The SAGE Air Defense" (2000).
  • 14. On RAMAC see Johnson (1989); Schoenherr "The Floppy Disk" (2003).
  • 15. On tape recorders see Angus (1984); Grundig history (2002); Nagra history (2002); Sony history (2002); Studer history (2002).
  • 16. On the VTR see Nmungwun's Chapter 6 (1989); Ginsburg (1957).
  • 17. On helical scan, see Nmungwun's Chapter 7 (1989); Schoenherr "Television Instant Replay" (2002).
  • 18. On the cassette see Morton's Chapter 8 "The Eight Track Tape Cartridge" in his "History of Magnetic Recording" (1995).
  • 19. On the Walkman see David Frith (1999).
  • 20. On Dee Hock and the credit card, see Mandell (1990).
  • 21. On the floppy disk see Schoenherr "The Floppy Disk" (2003) .
  • 22. On Shugart see Schoenherr "The Floppy Disk" (2003).
  • 23. On the digital revolution, see Schoenherr "The Digital Revolution" (2001).





  • Angus, Robert. "History of Magnetic Recording," Audio, September 1984, pp. 33-39.
  • Begun, Semi Joseph. Magnetic Recording. New York: Rinehart, 1949.
  • Belton, John. "1950s Magnetic Sound: The Frozen Revolution," in Rick Altman. Sound Theory/Sound Practice. NY: Routledge, 1992.
  • Bruce, Robert V. Alexander Graham Bell and the Conquest of Solitude. Boston: Little, Brown, 1973.
  • Clark, Mark H. "The Magnetic Recording Industry, 1878-1960: an international study in business and technological history."
  • Ph. D. thesis, University of Delaware, 1992.
  • Coe, Lewis. The Telegraph: A History of Morse's Invention and Its Predecessors in the United States. Jefferson, North Carolina: McFarland, 1993.
  • Coe, Lewis. The Telephone and its Several Inventors: a History. Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland & Co., 1995.
  • Daniel, Eric D., C. Denis Mee, Mark H. Clark, eds. Magnetic Recording: the First 100 Years. New York: IEEE Press, 1999.
  • Frith, David. "Sony Walkman Personal Stereo Turns 20 Years Old; The Evolution of Portable Audio's Past, Present and Digital Future," PR Newswire , April 5, 1999.
  • Ginsburg, Charles P. "The Birth of Videotape Recording." paper presented at SMPTE annual meeting Oct. 5, 1957.
  • Gray, George. "The UNIVAC Solid State Computer." Unisys History Newsletter. Volume 1, Number 2, December 1992 (revised 1999).
  • (1999).
  • Gray, George. "UNIVAC I: The First Mass-Produced Computer." Unisys History Newsletter, Volume 5, Number 1, January 2001.
  • (2001).
  • Grundig history. (2002)
  • Johnson, Rey. "The First Disk File." paper presented at the DataStorage '89 Conference, San Jose CA, September 19, 1989.
  • (2002
  • Koss history. (2002)
  • Mandell, Lewis. The Credit Card Industry: A History. Boston: Twayne Publishers, 1990.
  • Morton, David Lindsay, Jr. "The History of Magnetic Recording in the United States, 1888-1978," Ph.D. thesis, Georgia Institute of Technology, 1995.
  • Mullin, John T. "An Afternoon with John T. Mullin." videotape, New York: Audio Engineering Society, 1989.
  • Nagra history. (2002)
  • Nmungwun, Aaron. Video Recording Technology. Hillsdale, New Jersey: L. Erlbaum Associates, 1989.
  • Perry, Gregg. "Twenty Years of Magnetic Recording." Ampex press release, Oct. 1, 1967.
  • Schoenherr, Steven. "The SAGE Air Defense." (2000)
  • Schoenherr, Steven. "The Digital Revolution." (2001)
  • Schoenherr, Steven. "Television Instant Replay." (2002)
  • Schoenherr, Steven. "Der Bingle Technology.", May 1, 1996, revised for Recording Technology History.
  • (2002).
  • Schoenherr, Steven. "The Floppy Disk" in John L. Heilbron, ed., The Oxford Companion to the History of Modern Science. New
  • York: Oxford University Press, 2003.
  • Schoenherr, Steven. "The Magnetic Drum" in John L. Heilbron, ed., The Oxford Companion to the History of Modern Science. New
  • York: Oxford University Press, 2003.
  • Sony history. (2002).
  • Spicer, Dag. "Dr. Strangelove Meets IBM: The SAGE System." Dr. Dobbs History of Computing #1.
  • (2000).
  • Studer history. (2002).
  • "History of Magnetic Recording" presented at IEEE Magnetics Society Seminar, UCSD, Nov. 5, 2002.



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