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1974 TAPE Recording & Buying GUIDE = ein Verkaufsmagazin

Die Amerikaner hatten immer ein Händchen ffür eine Goldgrube. Und so sprossen aus allen Ecken die Produktübersichten aus den Verlagen, versteckten sich unter dem Deckmantel einer USA-weiten wertneutralen Marktübersicht und waren doch nichts weiter als Anzeigenblätter. Um die Inserenten zu ködern, wurden durchaus seriöse und kompetente Artikel an den Anfang gestellt. Am Ende wichtig waren die Listen mit den Preisen und den minmalen Eigenschaften. Hier geht es zu der einführenden Seite dieser 1974er Übersicht.



Das sind die aufgelisteten Bandmaschinen, deren Hersteller oder Importeure sich einen Eintrag (oder auch mehrere zusammen mit einer Produktanzeige) in dieser 1974er US-Marktübersicht "gekauft" !!! haben. Diese angeblich allumfassende Liste ist mitnichten vollständig, denn man mußte dafür bezahlen. Es geht hauptsächlich um die US- amerikanischen Straßenpreise. Viele Hersteller fehlen aber.

Ganz anders war es anfänglich mit dem Military Magazin Off Duty, deren Chefredakteur - der Amerikaner Walter Rios - ein Hifi- Fan war und der (in den ersten Ausgaben von oof duty) alle kaufbaren Hifi-Produkte akribisch gesammelt hatte.

  • Anmerkung : Aufgrund der Menge ist das ein automatischer Scan und nur oberflächlich korrigiert - Rechtschreibfehler werden nicht mehr bereinigt.




  1. AKAI
  2. GX-210D Stereo Tape Deck
    Two-speed (7'/2 & 33/« ips); 4-track, 2-channel stereo system. Response 30-25,000 Hz ±3 dB (low-noise tape): 30-23,000 Hz ±3 dB (regular tape). Will handle up to 7" reels. Wow & flutter 0.08% rms at 7'/2 ips; distortion 1.5% (1000 Hz, 0 VU): (S+N)/N 50 dB. Three motors; two heads (one record/erase GX and one playback GX). Features two line and one phone output jack, two mike and two line input jacks plus DIN jack. 14.5"x 14.6" x 8.9".......$449.95
  3. GX-600D Stereo Tape Deck
    Two-speed (7'/2 & 33/« ips); 4-track, 2-channel stereo/mono system. Will handle up to IOV2" reels. Response 30-23,000 Hz ±3 dB at 7 V2 ips; wow & flutter 0.07% rms; distortion less than 0.7%. (S + N)/N 56 dB. Has  hree heads and three motors; two line and one phone output jacks; two mike and one line input jacks; oneDIN jack. 17.4"x 18.7"x 9".........$750.00
  4. GX-600DB. Same except with Dolby noise-reduction circuit. (S+N)/N 64 dB with Dolby ................................$850.00
  5. GX-285D Stereo Tape Deck
    Two-speed (7'/2 & 33A. ips); 4-track, 2-channel stereo/mono system with Dolby noise-reduction circuitry. Will handle up to 7" reels. Wow & flutter 0.08% rms at 7V2 ips. Response 20-25,000 Hz ±3 dB (with Akai SRT tape), 30-23,000 Hz±3 dB (regular tape). (S + N)/N 63 dB (with Dolby), 55 dB (without), both using SRT tape. Three motors, three heads (4-track stereo/ mono glass and crystal ferrite record/playback, 4-track erase). Has two line & one phone output jacks; two mike and two line input jacks, plus DIN jack. Sound-on-sound, sound mixing, and sound-with-sound facilities plus tape and source monitoring switches. 17.1"xl8.1"x 10.2" ......$750.00
  6. 4400 Open-Reel "Convert-a-Deck"
    Stereo design featuring front-panel converter switch which changes unit from recorder to deck. Has SOS, SWS, sound mixing, dual monitoring, output level control, pause control with start button release, automatic shutoff. Two speeds (7V2 & 33A. ips). three heads, one motor. (S + N)/N 50 dB; wow & flutter 0.15%; distortion 1.5%, all at 7'/2 ips ............ $349.95
  7. GX-400D Open-Reel Tape Deck
    Stereo design featuring four heads, servo capstan motor with two outer rotor motors, reverse in both record & playback, pause control, playback volume control, line/mike mixing, SOS, normal and SRT tape selector switch, automatic shutoff/stop. Features Akai's automatic distortion-reduction system. Three speeds (15, 7'/2, 33A ips); (S + N)/N 55 dB; wow & flutter 0.04%; distortion 1.0%, all at 15 ips. Takes IOV2" reel ......................$1195.00
  8. 1721W Tape Recorder
    Two-speed (33/4 & 7V2 ips), 4-track, 2-channel stereo or mono design. Wow & flutter 0.14% rms at 7V2 ips. Response 30-21,000 Hz ±3 dB at 7'/2 ips. THD 2%. 5 W/ch dynamic power at8 ohms (3 W/ch continuous). (S+ N)/N -50 dB. Bias frequency 63 kHz. Has one record/ playback & one erase head. Inputs: mike (0.5 mV) & line (150 mV). Two built-in 5" x 7" speakers. Features p.a. capability, automatic shut-off, equalizer preamp for direct phono input, selector switch for regular or low-noise tape, and  tape monitoring facilities. Comes with pair of dynamic mikes with stands. 14Vs"x 14'/2"x 97."............................$299.95
  9. GX-370D Tape Recorder Deck
    Two-speed (33A & 7V2 ips), 4-track, 2-channelstereo or mono design. Wow & flutter 0.15% rms at 7V2 ips. Response 30-21,000 Hz ±3 dB at 7V2 ips. THD 1.5%. (S + N)/N -50 dB. Bias frequency 100 kHz. Has two record/erase heads & one playback head. Line output 1.23 V. Inputs: mike (0.8 mV)& line (150 mV). Features selector switch for regular or low-noise tape; automatic or manual reverse record/playback; three motors; automatic gain controls; automatic stop & shut-off; sound-on-sound and mixing facilities. Has universal power supply. 173/«"x20"x97b"D............... $799.95
  10. 4000DS Tape Recorder Deck
    Two-speed (33/« & 7V2 ips), 4-track, 2-channel stereo or mono design. Wow & flutter 0.07% rms at 7V2 ips. Response 30-26,000 Hz ±3 dB at 7V2 ips. THD 1.5%. (S + N)/N -50 dB. Bias frequency 100 kHz. Has separate record, bias, and erase heads. Line output 1.23 V. Inputs: mike (0.8 mV) & line (60 mV). Features dual selector switch for regular or low-noise tape; sound-on-sound; sound-with-sound; mixing; automatic shut-off; pause control. Universal power supply. 16" x I2V2" x 7%" .... $269.95
  11. GX-1900D Reel/Cassette Deck
    Combines a two-speed (33A & 7'/2 ips), 4-track, 2-channel stereo/mono reel-to-reel tape recorder and a cassette stereo recorder. Will re cord both ways. Wow & flutter 0.12% rms at 7V2 ips. Response 30-22,000 Hz ±3 dB at 7V2 ips. THD 2%. (S + N)/N -50 dB. Has two heads(record/playback & erase). Output 1.23 V. Input: mike (0.5 V) & line (50 mV). Features automatic stop & shut-off, pause lever, and universal power supply. 15" x 18'/2"x 10" .. $519.95

  13. CX722 Tape Recorder
    Three-speed (15, 7V3, 33/< ips), 2-track, 3-motor design. Will handle up to IOV2" reels. Has three heads. Response 20-20,000 Hz ±2 dB. Wow & flutter 0.09% at 7Vi ips. Features braking, automatic shut-off, two VU meters, pause control, and optional counter.............$1495.00
  14. CX724. Same except 4-track version; response 20-25,000 Hz ±2 dB ............$1495.00
  15. CX822 Tape Recorder
    Three-speed (15, Th, 3Va ips), 2-track, 3-motor design. Will handle up to IOV2" reels. Response 30-30,000 Hz ±2.0 dB. Wow & flutter 0.06% at 15 ips. (S + N)/N 60 dB. Has braking, two VU meters, automatic shut-off, pause control, monitoring facilities, optional counter, and remote record.....................$1995.00
    Four track version ...............$1995.00
  16. Four-channel in-line version.......$2995.00
  17. SX724 Tape Recorder
    Two-speed (7V3, 33A. ips), 2-ch, V«-track, 3-motor design. Will handle up to IOV2" reels. Response 20-25,000 Hz ±2 dB. Wow & flutter 0.09% at 7V3 ips. (S N)/N 60 dB.'Has braking, two VU meters, automatic shut-off, monitoring facilities, pause control, and optional counter. 15 and 1% ips available...........$1095.00
  18. SX724-P4C. 2- and 4-track version; plays 4-channel in-line..................$1495.00

  20. 7100 Reel-to-Reel Tape Deck
    Two-speed (7'/2 & 33/< ips), 3-head, 4-track stereo tape deck. Features a four-pole inductionand 2 six-pole eddy-current type induction motors; automatic tape lifters; automatic shut-off; tape selector switch; echo & sound-on-sound; tape/source monitor. Wow & flutter 0.08% W rms at Th ips. (S + N)/N 55 dB. Re-sponse40-21,000Hzat7V3ips ..... $399.95
  21. 7200 Tape Recorder Deck
    Two-speed OVi & 33/< ips), 4-track stereo record/play design. Wow & flutter 0.8% at Th ips. Response 40-20,000 Hz ±3 dB at Th ips. (S + N)/N -53 dB. Bias 130 kHz. Has mike (0.8 mV) & line (80 mV) inputs. Line output 0.775 V. Features automatic continuous playback, both directions; four heads (erase, record, forward play, reverse play); three motors; tape bias select switch for standard or low-noise tape; sound-on-sound; echo; sound-with-sound. Has tape monitoring facilities and pause switch. 16W x 173/4" x 63/4" D............ $499.95
  22. 7500 Tape Recorder Deck
    Two-speed (7'/2 & 33/« ips), 4-track record/play design. Wow & flutter 0.08% at Tli ips. Response 40-20,000 Hz±3 dB at Th ips. (S + N)/ N-55 dB at Th ips. Bias 130 kHz. Has mike(0.8 mV) & line (80 mV) inputs. Output 0.775 V. Features bidirectional recording and automatic repeat playback. Six heads (2 each erase, record, playback). Has 3 motors. Tape bias switch for standard or low-noise tapes. Features sound-on-sound, sound-with-sound, echo, and tape monitoring. 16W x 173// x 63/<" D. $599.95
  23. 9100 Tape Recorder Deck
    Two-speed (7'/2 & 33/« ips), 4-track record/play design. Response 40-21,000 Hz ±3 dB at Th ips. (S + N)/N -55 dB at 7 V2 ips. Wow & flutter 0.06% at Th ips. Bias 100 kHz. Has mike (0.5 mV), line (77.5 mV), and mag. phono (2.5 mV) inputs. Line output 0.775 V. Features automatic reverse & repeat for record & playback. Has built-in head demagnetize^ 3 motors; six heads (2 each erase, record, playback); tape counter memory; photoelectric automatic shut-off. Bias control for various tapes with separate right & left channel adjustments. Has tape select switch; line, mike, or phono mixing; sound-on-sound facilities; echo; provision for optional remote control. Tape  onitoring facilities. Universal power supply. 173//x20" Hxl5V/ D ..... $799.95

  25. Super Seven Series Tape Recorders
    Three speeds (7V3, 33/4, 1% ips). Has three heads and three motors; braking; VU meters;electronics editing; sound-on-sound, sound-with-sound, echo, and re-record facilities; variable speed wind/rewind; IOV2" reel capacity; solid-state FET front end at mike input; 4-digit counter. Has full range of inputs and outputs. Response (record/play) 30-17,000 Hz ±2 dB at Th ips, 40-14,000 Hz ±3 dB at 33A. ips, 50-7000 Hz ±3 dB at 1% ips. Available in 2- and 4-track stereo models; with or without amplifiers and speakers; 15, 7'/2, 33/« ips operation; optional Dolby-B noise reduction with every speed configuration. 117-V, 60-Hz operation ..........................$1000 to 1200

  26. JVC
  27. RD-1450 Tape Recorder Deck
    4-track, 2-speed (7'/2 & 33/< ips), 2-channel stereo design. Similar in appearance to Model RD-1695. Response 30-20,000 Hz ±3 dB at Th ips; (S + N)/N -52 dB; wow & flutter 0.10% rms at 7V2 ips. Has 95 kHz bias & erase; three heads (erase, record, playback). Input sensitivity: mike 0.3 mV; aux. 77.5 mV. Line output 0-1.2 V. Features sound-onrsound, automatic stop, tape monitoring, and special switch for low-noise or standard tape. 123/4" x 153/.." x 67/s" D. $229.95
  28. RD-1555 Stereo Recorder Deck
    Four-track, 2-speed (7'/2 & 33/< ips), 2-channel stereo design with automatic reverse. Response 30-20,000 Hz ±3 dB at Th ips; (S + N)/N -50 dB; wow & flutter 0.16% rms. Has three motors and four heads. Features direct-coupled pre-amps, solenoid motion controls, jack for optional remote control, sound-on-sound, and tape-selector switch. 17" x 16" x 8 V/ D___$499.95
  29. RD-1552 Tape Recorder Deck
    4-track, 2-speed (7'/2 & 3^4 ips), 2-channel stereo design. Response 20-24,000 Hz±3 dBat 7V2 ips; (S + N)/N -52 dB; wow & flutter 0.1% rms at Th ips. HD 1.5%. Has 95 kHz record & erase bias. Inputs: mike (0.3 mV) & aux. (80 mV). Line output 0-1 V. Features three heads (record, erase & playback) and 3 motors (capstan drive, supply & take-up reels). Has solenoid motion controls, pause button, sound-on-sound, bias switch for low-noise or standard tapes, and input mixing facilities. 153// x 173// Wx8V2" D.......................$399.95
  30. RD-1695 Tape Recorder Deck
    4-track, 3-speed (7V2, 3*. & VU ips), 2-channel ttereo design. Response 30-18,000 Hz ±3 dB at ips; (S + N)/N -52 dB; wow & flutter 0.13% rms at Vh ips. Has mike (0.5 mV) & aux. (80 mV) inputs. Line output 0-1 V. Has switch for either low-noise or standard tape; two heads (record/play and erase). 7'/2"x 15*." Wx 12V D .............................. $179.95
  31. RD-1553 Tape Recorder Deck
    4-track, 2-speed (7V2 & 33/* ips), 2-channel stereo design. Similar in style to Model RD-1552. Response 20-24,000 Hz +3 dB at 7V2 ips; (S + N)/N -53 dB; wow & flutter 0.10% at 7"2 ips. HD 1.5% at 1 kHz. Has 95 kHz record bias & erase; three motors (capstan drive, supply, and takeup reels); mike (0.3 mV) & aux. (80 mV) inputs; and 0-1 V line output. Features built-in 1000-Hz signal oscillator for bias adjust; solenoid motion controls; jack for optional remote control; sound-on-sound and input mixing facilities. 17V2" x 16'/2" x 8" D .......... $499.95

  33. RT-1050 Stereo Tape Deck
    Two-track, two-speed (15 & 7V2 ips), three-motor, three-head stereo deck. Has 4/8 pole, two-speed hysteresis synchronous motor (cap-stan drive) and 6-pole inner-rotor induction motor (reel drive). Response 30-22,000 Hz +3 dB at 15 ips; 40-20,000 Hz ±3 dB at 7Vj ips; wow & flutter 0.04% W rms at 15 ips; (S + NVN 57 dB; stereo channel separation 53 dB at 1000 Hz; 125 kHz bias frequency. Features 3-step bias selector; 4-step EQ selector; dual-scale level meters; recording peak indicator; lockable electronic controls (including pause); two pairs of line inputs; full complement of inputs and outputs. 120-V, 60-Hz operation. 18V." W x 17W H x 9SA>" D... $699.95

  35. 999B Stereo Tape Deck
    Three speeds (7V2, 3*., l7/e ips); 4 tracks; 3 heads. Has two VU meters and level controls. Provisions for professional sound-on-sound recordings. Tape/source monitor. Response 40-20,000 Hz at 7V2 ips; wow & flutter 0.2% rms at 7V2 ips. Overall size 16"xl3V/x7W ................................$199.95
  36. 909B Stereo Tape Recorder
    Three speeds (7'/2, 3*., l7/e ips); 4 tracks. Will take up to 7" reel. Response 50-18,000 Hz;wow & flutter 0.25% at 7'/2 ips. Has built-in electronics with 3V2 W/ch output. Supplied with speakers, microphones, VU meters, and counter. Permits sound-with-sound recording. Overall dimensions 14" H x 24'A." Wx7Ve" D. Weight 26 lbs .................... $239.95

  37. REVOX
  38. A77Mklll 1102 Tape Deck
    Two-speed (3% & 7V2 ips or 7'/2 & 15 ips), 2-track, 3-motor, 3-head deck. Will handle up to 10 1/2" reels. Response 30-20,000 Hz ±2.5 dB at 7'/2 ips. Wow & flutter 0.08% peak at 7V2 ips. (S + N)/N 61 dB at 7'/2 ips. Has a servo braking system, VU meters, automatic shut-off, relay and solenoid operation, full remote control, and off-the-tape monitoring. Options include plug-in 10 W/ch continuous power amplifiers, a suitcase version with built-in speakers, metal cage for rack or custom mounting. 16%" H x 143/i6"Wx7Vs" D.......................$899.00
  39. Model A77 Mklll 1104. A 4-track version of Model 1102. Sameoptionsavailable.. $899.00
  40. A77 Mklll Dolby B Deck. Same as 1102 or 1104 but with Dolby B noise-reduction system. Has separate compressors and expanders for each channel. (S + NWN 70 dB (ASA A curve weighted) at 7V2 ips, 2-track. Corresponding improvements at other speeds and track width accompanied by a reduction in distortion.. $1099.00
  41. A700 Stereo Tape Recorder
    Three-motor, three-speed (15, Vh, 3% ips) recorder. Features computer-type digital control logic with memory circuits; quartz-crystal speed-control reference; frequency and phase servo system for capstan speed control; two tape-tension sensors governing servo-controlled reel motors. Has logic-controlled tape tension which is automatically maintained even with mixed reel sizes; electronic tape-motion sensor; minutes and seconds readout on tape counter. Plug-in head assembly (V* or V2 track available); three heads with fourth control head (optional). Fail-safe auto stop logic to eliminate possibility of tape breakage; electronic pause control operating on all functions; instant repeat play control; continuous unattended record or play function; solid-state switching of audio circuits. Features built-in four-input mixer; switched selection of 12 input sources including four balanced hi/lo mike inputs; built-in magnetic phono preamp; master record-level slide fader; stereo echo; five independent stereo outputs; standard zero-level line outputs and level & tone-controlled outputs; VU meters with instantaneous over-modulation indicators; variable speed (+ or - 7 halftones with remote-control accessory); variable speed (2.5 to 21.5 ips with external oscillator); input or off-tape metering.......................$1695.00

  43. TC-270 Stereo Tape Recorder
    Economy design featuring quarter-track stereo/mono play & record, three speeds (7V2, 3* & lVs ips), straight-line record & playback level controls, two VU meters, automatic end-of-tape shutoff, and sound-on-sound. 5 W/ch continuous power. Response 30-18,000 Hz +3 dB at 7'/2 ips. (S + NWN 50 dB; wow & f lutterO.12% at 7Vj ips. Sensitivity: aux. 0.06 V; low-imp. mike -72 dB (can be used as phono input with optional RK-66 adapter). Has line output 0.43 V at 0 VU; two lid speakers. 8 ohms. 20'//'W x 15'// D. Comes with carrying case........$299.95
  44. TC-280 Stereo Tape Recorder Deck
    Economy quarter-track stereo/mono design featuring three speeds (7'/2,3*4 & 17e ips), tape select switch, sound-with-sound, sound-on- sound, dual VU record meters, pause control. May be operated vertically or horizontally. Response 40-18,000 Hz ±3 dB at 7'/2 ips with regular tape (40-21,000 Hz ±3 dB with SLH-180 tape). (S + N)/N 52 dB with standard tape (55 dB with SLH-180 tape). Sensitivity:aux. 0.06V; mike (low-imp) - 72 dB (mike input can be used as mag. phono input with RK-66 optional adapter). Line output 0.775 V at 0 VU. Wow & flutter 0.10% at 7'/2 ips. 15*/ x 7W x 14Vb" D. Comes with walnut base ................. $199.95
  45. TC-580 Tape Deck
    Three-speed (7'/2, 33/., l'/« ips), 4-track, 3-head, 3-motor stereo unit. Will handle up to 7" reels. Response 30-25,000 Hz ±3 dB; wow & flutter 0.06% at 7'/2 ips; (S + Nl/N 56 dB. Has VU meters, automatic reverse and shutoff, counter, monitoring facilities, solenoid operation. 18Vi4" H x 17'/2" W x 8'/8" D.....$579.95
  46. TC-630 Tape Recorder System
    Three-speed (7'/2, 33/.., 17s ips), 4-track, 3-head, one-motor stereo unit. Will handle up to 7" reels. Response 30-22,000 Hz; wow & flutter 0.09% at 7'/2 ips; Built-in electronics with 20 W/ch output. Supplied with speakers and microphones. Has VU meters, automatic shutoff, pause control, echo effects, sound-on-sound, counter, phono input, tone controls, monitoring facilities. Carrying handle included. 20" H x 17VWX 11V D.............$449.95
  47. TC-353-D Stereo Tape Deck
    Features three speeds (7V2, 3?*, 17s ips) and three heads. Has line & mike mixing, pause control, automatic shutoff, VU meters. Sound-on-sound with optional Sony MX-6S mixer........$249.95
  48. TC-640B Tape Deck
    Two-speed (7'/2, 33/« ips), 4-track, 3-head stereo unit. Will handle up to 7" reels. Response 30-20,000 Hz ±3 dB; wow & flutter 0.07% at 7V2 ips; (S + N)/N 55 dB. Features VU meters, braking, automatic shutoff, pause control, echo effects, sound-on-sound, counter, monitoring facilities; and solenoid operation. 15'/2" H x 14V2" W x 9V2" D................$449.95
  49. TC-353 Stereo Tape Recorder/Speakers
    Three-speed (7'/2, 33/«, 17b ips), 3-head stereo tape recorder with integrated speakers. 7 W/ch dynamic power. Features separate record/ playback preamps, sound-on-sound and echo, tape/source monitoring facilities, and a tape-select switch for use of high-output low noise tape or standard tape. Has VU meters, retractable pinch roller for easy tape threading, automatic tape lifters to protect heads during fast-forward and rewind, non-magnetizing record head. Full complement of controls. Has p.a. capabilities, pause control with lock, built-in reel locks, four-digit tape counter, stereo headphone monitor jack. Can be operated vertically or horizontally. 205/b" x 13%" x 10W D........$399.95
  50. TC-377 Stereo Recorder Deck
    Features 3-speed (178, 33/« & 7V2 ips), 3-head, 4-track design. Response 30-20,000 Hz ±3 dB at 7V2 ips. (S+N)/N 52 dB (standard tape) 55 dB (SLH-180 tape). Has aux. (0.06 V sensitivity) & mike (-72 dB sensitivity) inputs & line output (0.775 V). Bias frequency 160 kHz. Wow & flutter 0.09% at 7'/2 ips. Has two VU meters, one induction motor. Features mike-line record level mixing controls, tape select switch for Sony standard or low-noise, high-output tape. Has pause control and an automatic total mechanism shut-off. Reversible walnut base for vertical or horizontal operation. Sound-on-sound capability with the MX-6S mixer. 16V2"x83/b" x 15'/2" .........................$329.95
  51. TC-458 Stereo Tape Deck
    Two-speed (7V2 & 33/« ips); automatic-reverse stereo deck with ferrite & ferrite roto bi-lateral heads; response 30-20,000 Hz±3 dB at 7'/2ips (standard tape), 30-25,000 Hz (SLH-180 tape). (S+N)/N 53 dB (standard), 56 dB (SLH-180 tape). Wow & flutter 0.06% rms (NAB) weighted; four heads (2 erase, 1 record, 1 playback); induction a. c. servo motor; two illuminated VU meters. Includes tape-tension regulators, tape path adjuster, built-in reel locks, 4-digit tape counter; closed-loop-dual-capstan tape drive. Can be adapted for sound-on-sound, echo. 120-V, 60-Hz operation. 15'3/i»" Wxl63/i6" H x 7'5/i4" D.......................$479.95
  52. TC-755 Stereo Tape Deck
    Two-speed (7V2 & 33/4 ips), 3-head, 3-motor deck with IOV2" reel capacity. Response 30-20,000 Hz ±3 dB (standard) and 30-25,000 Hz ±3 dB (SLH-180 tape); wow & flutter 0.05%. Provides mechanical memory capability with timer, bias select switch, ferrite heads, tape path adjustment, twin illuminated VU meters, 4-digit tape counter, and built-in reel locks. (S + N)/N 53 dB (standard), 56 dB (SLH-180 tape). 120-V, 60-Hz operation. 17 Ve" Wx 173A" H x 8V2" D.......................$699.95

  54. Series 11 Tape Recorder
    Portable (15 V, ten 1,2V cells), mono design. Three speeds (7V2, 33/«, 17b ips), and has three heads. Will handle up to 7" reels. Has automatic level-input controls, mike & line mixing, and built-in speaker. Response 40-16,000 Hz±2dB at 7V2 ips, wow 0.1% at Vli ips, (S + N)/N 58 dB unweighted. 13" Wx 10"Dx4".
  55. Model 11-1. Full-track.............$795.00
  56. Model 11-2. Two-track.............$795.00
  57. A.c. power supply ................. $79.50
    Series 15 Tape Recorder
    Mono design with built-in 4" x 7" speaker. Three speeds (7V2, 33/«, 17b ips). Response 40-16,000 Hz±2dBat7V2ips,wow0.1%at7'/2ips,(S + N)/N at max. record level 55 dB. 5 W/ch continuous output with both channels driven. Has 0.75 V preamp outputs, low-Z mike & high-and low-level inputs. 133/b" W x 1 17b" D x 67/.Model 1541.
  58. Four-track............$313.50
  59. Model 1541F With foot remote control ....................................... $418.00
  60. Model 1521. Two-track.............$295.00
  61. Model 1521F. With foot remote control........................................$399.00
  62. 9000X Tape Recorder Deck
    Three-speed (178, 33/« & 7'/2 ips) play/record stereo design. Wow (Wrms) 0.07% at 7Vj ips.Response 40-22,000 Hz ±2 dB at Vh ips. Sensitivity: mike (low imp.) 50 ^V; radio 5 mV; line 30 mV. Output: radio 0.75 V; line 1.5 V. Features crossfield heads; remote control of start/stop, fast forward/rewind, record & playback, mono mixing; A-B test; sound-on-sound; echo; peak record/playback meters; adjusted for low-noise, high-output tape. Supplied in half- and quarter-track versions. On request, can be equipped for 4-channel playback. Walnut cabinet. 153A" x 7" x 16Va" D.....$699.50
  63. 3300X Tape Recorder Deck
    Three-speed (17/b, 3% & 7V2 ips) design featuring crossfield recording techniques; peak-reading record meters; four heads for sound-on-sound, sound-with-sound, and echo; input mixing; and photoelectric end stop. Has inputs for dynamic mike, receiver/tuner, and recordplayer. Supplied in half- or quarter-track versions. On request, can be equipped for 4-channel playback. Walnut cabinet (rosewood on special request). 153/4"x7"x 16Ve"D. $429.90
    Series 14 Tape Recorder
    Same as Series 15 except 2-speed (33/< & 1V« ips) design.
  64. Model 1441. Four-track without case ........ .................................$290.00
  65. Model 1421. Two-track without case.. $270.00
  66. 9200XD Dolbyized Stereo Deck
    Three-speed (7'/2, 3% & 17b ips), Dolbyized deck; Max. wow 0.06% W rms at 7V2 ips; response 25-24,000 Hz ±3 dB, 30-22,000 Hz ±2 dB at Tli ips; crosstalk 50 dB stereo at 1000 Hz; max. tape dist. at 0 dB record level 2%. Features one-hand tape threading; peak-reading dB meters; linear-motion input and output level controls; crossfield heads; (S + N)/N 73 dB at 7V2 ips........................$899.50

  67. TEAC
  68. 2300S Stereo Tape Deck
    Two-speed (7'/2 & 3% ips) four-track, two-channel deck. Features push-button transport control with logic circuitry; dual VU meters; separate bias/equalization switches; record/pauselights; total remote-control capability. Has dual-speed hysteresis synchronous capstan motor and two eddy-current induction reel motors. Response 30-24,000 Hz at 7V2 ips; 30-16,000 Hz at 33U ips; wow & flutter 0.08% at 7'/2 ips. (S + N)/N 58 dB. 17,5/i4"x 157/i4"x BVi*" D..........................$469.50
  69. 3300S Stereo Tape Deck
    Two-speed (7V2 & 3% ips), four-track, two-channel deck. Will handle up to IOV2" reels; offers remote-control capability; push-button transport control with logic circuitry; dual level bias oscillator for low-noise recording; d.c-coupled equalization network. Features dual VU meters; pause control with indicator light; separate mike/line level controls; tape/source monitor switch; stereo headphone jacks; 4-digit resettable tape counter. 17'¥i4" Wxl7¥i6"  H x 8»/u" D......................$689.503300S-2T. Same except two-track, two-channel with 15 or 7V2 ips speeds...........$739.50
  70. 4300 Auto-Reverse Stereo Deck
    Two speed (7'/2 & 3*/4 ips), three-motor, four-head stereo deck with automatic reverse. Features push-button transport control, pause control with indicator light, dual VU meters; separate equalization switches; separate mike/line inputs; separate mike/line level controls. Will handle up to 7" reels; records in four-track, 2-channel stereo. Includes memory counter for automatic repeat and memory marker level guides. Response 30-28,000 Hz; wow & flutter 0.06% both at 7V2 ips. (S + N)/N 55 dB. 17'/ii" x 19'A," x 8V2"..............$669.50
  71. 5300 Stereo Tape Deck
    Two-speed (7'/2 & 3% ips), four-track, two-channel deck. Will handle 7" reels. Features direct-capstan drive servo-controlled .motor; d.c. reel motors; automatic reverse; push-button transport control. Has separate bias & equalization switches; dual-scale VU meters; remote control for all functions including record & pause; memory marker level guides; solenoid-controlled pause/cue button. Response 30-28,000 Hz; wow & flutter 0.04%, both at 7V2 ips. (S + N)/N 60 dB. 175/u" Wx 213// H x 8V2" D..................$759.50
  72. 5500 Auto-Reverse Stereo Deck
    Two-speed {W2- & 33A< ips), four-track, two-channel deck with automatic-reverse play. Features three motors, four high-density Permaflux heads, and dual-process Dolby noise-reduction system, permitting simultaneous Dolbyized recording with decoded tape monitoring; Dolby FM/Copy function; MPX filter switch; Dolby calibration oscillator; source/tape monitor switch. The 4-head machine with separate playback, reverse playback, record, and erase also has a "punch-in" feature which permits change from play to record mode without going through a stop; a four-digit resettable tape counter; memory marker level guides. Response 30-28,000 Hz; wow & flutter 0.04%, both at 7V2 ips. (S + N)/N 65 dB (with Dolby). 17*/i6"Wx2IV4" Hx 8V2" D..............$899.50
  73. 4070G Stereo Tape Deck
    Two-speed (7V2 & 3% ips), 4-track, 3-motor stereo design. Has four high-density ferrite heads (6 head functions). Will handle up to T reel. Response 30-20,000 Hz±3dB, wow aflutter 0.05% at 7'/2 ips, (S + N)/N 58 dB. Has braking, VU meters, automatic reverse and shutoff, pause control, bias adjustment, counter, separate bias & equalizer switches and monitoring facilities. Remote control available optional extra. 177/8" H x 18" W x 9Vn" D.......$729.50
  74. 7010GSL Auto-Reverse Tape Deck
    4-track, 2-channel stereo or mono with four heads (erase, record, playback, and reverse playback). Two speeds (3^4 & 7'/2 ips), 3 motors. Will handle 7" & IOV2" reels. Response 30-20,-000 Hz ±3 dB at 7V2 ips. (S + N)/N -58 dB; HD 1% at 1000 Hz at normal listening levels. Has mike (0.25 mV) and line (0.1 V) inputs. Lineoutput 0.3 V.21 Vs" x 17W W x 9V2" D.......................................$1149.50
  75. 7300 Stereo Tape Deck
    Two-speed (7'/2 & 3% ips), four-track, two-channel deck. Features direct-drive d.c. capstan/servo control motor; two d.c. reel motors; built-in mixer to blend up to 4 mikes or lines; separate master input level control for all mike/line inputs; separate output level control. Has two sets of output jacks; dual VU meters; 3-position bias/equalization switches; separate cue & edit facilities; push-button transport control; logic circuitry and motion sensing. Response 30-28,000 Hz; wow & flutter 0.04%, both at 7'/2 ips. (S + N)/N 58 dB. 17%" Wx 21Vu" Hx8'/s" D..................$1349.50
  76. 7300-2T. Same except two-track, two-channel with 15 & 7V2 ips operation. Response 25-30,-000 Hz; wow & flutter 0.03%, both at 15 ips. (S + NJ/N 60 dB.................$1349.50
  77. Model RS-715US. Similar to RS-714US except this model includes an automatic reverse feature ............................ $549.95
  78. 7030GSL Tape Deck
    2-track, 2-channel stereo or mono with four heads (erase, record, playback, and 4-track playback). Two speeds (772 & 15 ips), 3 motors. Will handle 7" & lOVa" reels. Wow & flutter 0.06% at 7V2 ips. Response 30-20,000 Hz ±3 dB at 7V2 ips. (S + N)/N -60 dB. HD 1% at 1000 Hz at normal listening levels. Has mike (0.25 mV) and line (0.1 V) inputs. Line output 0.3 V. Similar in design and styling to Model 7010GSL21'/»"xl7%"x9VD ... $1099.50

  80. RS-1030US 2/4 Track Tape Deck
    Two-speeds (15 & 7V2 i ps). Response 20-26,000 Hz at 15 ips (30-22,000 Hz ±3 dB); 20-23,000 Hz at 7V2 ips (30-20,000 Hz ±3 dB). Two-track record/play, four-track (stereo) playback. Wow & flutter 0.12% W rms at 7V2 ips. (S t N)/N 55 dB (2-track). Accepts 10" or smaller reels. Four heads including three HPF ultra-longlife types. Low-noise/normal tape selector. Three motors, one dual-speed hysteresis synchronous for capstan drive. Tape tension selector, optional remote. Features automatic stop, tape pause, and 4-digit counter. 22" Hx 17" Wx 77b" D. .. . ................................$999.95
  81. RS-714US Tape Deck
    Two-speed (7V2, 3% ips), 4-track, 3-motor stereo design. Will handle up to 7" reels. Has 3 fer-rite heads. Response 30-22,000 Hz at 7'/2 ips, wow & flutter less than 0.1% at 7V2 ips, (S + N)/ N better than 50 dB. Has VU meters, automatic shutoff, pause control, sound-on sound, counter, remote control (optional extra), solenoid operation, and monitoring. 20" H x 17" W x 7'/8" D ...................... $499.95

  82. TELEX
  83. 423 Tape Deck
    Basically same design as Model 433. Response 50-15,000 Hz ±3 dB, (S + N)/N 50 dB, wow & flutter 0.2%, all at 7'/2 ips. THD 1.5%. 12%" H ................................ $274.95
  84. 433 Tape Recorder Deck
    Quarter-track stereo design featuring sound-on-sound, reverb (echo), 2-channel input mixing, tape monitoring, and pause control. Three-speed (7V2, 3%, l'/a ips), 3-head, 3-motor design. Has automatic shutoff. Response 40- 18,000 Hz ±3 dB at 772 ips, (S + N)/N 54 dB, flutter & wow 0.2% at 7V2 ips. 15%" W x 14%" Hx8V ........................ $379.95
  85. Lab Series 2001 Tape Deck
    Two-speed (7V2, 3% ips), 4-track, 3-head, 2-motor stereo design. Will handle up to 87/reels. Response 45-18,000 Hz ±2 dB, wow & flutter 0.18% at 772 ips, (S + N)/N 52 dB. Has VU meters, automatic shutoff, pause control, counter, solenoid operation, and monitoring facilities. 1472" x 197b" x 8" D...... $799.95

  87. PT-862D Stereo Tape Deck
    Three-head system for either tape or source monitoring, echo recording; mechanical automatic shut-off; tape selector switch, recording bias control; sound-on-sound; 4-digit tape counter; three speeds (772 , 3%, l'/« ips); will handle up to 7" reels; 4-track, 2-channel stereo record & playback; universal power supply, 50-60 Hz; inputs: mike, line input, DIN; outputs: line-output, headphone, DIN; 4-pole condenser motor; controls: tape selector, speed change, power switch, volume control, mode selector; response 20-25,000 Hz; wow & flutter 0.09% W r.m.s.; crosstalk 60 dB; channel separation 55 dB; (S + N)/N 56 dB. 15" ,6" W x 12'// H x 7 V D..............$269.95





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