Sie sind hier : Startseite →  (4) Historie - Video Technik→  Video-Formate→  1955 - Quad(druplex) format


The first commercially adopted VTR format, demonstrated by Ampex in 1956. Format details are included here for reference although 'quad' recorders can still be found in use today.


Very high head to tape speed was necessary to achieve the necessary high frequency response despite the limited short wavelength response of the conventional ferric oxide tapes available at the time.

Signal system
Analogue, composite, segmented.
Geometry Transverse
No. of rotating heads 4  
Scanner diameter 52.54 mm
Rotation speed 250 rev/s
Tracks/revolution 4  
Head-to-tape speed 41.27 m/s
Video track angle 90.33 degree
Track width 253 µm
Track pitch 397 µm
Azimuth Perpendicular
(to plane of scanner)
Tape Properties
Coercivity 280 Oe
Type Ferric oxide*  
Width 50.8 mm
Thickness (total) 38 µm
Tape Consumption
Linear 397.0 mm/s
Areal 1.21 m²/min
Shelf volume 3620 cm³/h
Electrical Characteristics
  Low band High band**  
Sync tip carrier frequ. 4.95 7.16 MHz
Blanking 5.50 7.80 MHz
Peak white 6.80 9.30 MHz
Shortest wavelength 6.07 4.44 µm

* Transverse particle orientation
** High band necessary for 625/50 colour --------- IEC 347

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