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Super VHS uses higher coercivity tape in standard VHS outline cassettes together with a higher luminance carrier frequency and bandwidth. The result is improved picture definition (>400 horizontal lines), which challenges the performance of many domestic TV receivers and better signal to noise. The longitudinal and FM audio features are as normal VHS. S-VHS cassettes have an ident hole to enable S-VHS recorders to switch automatically between VHS and S-VHS standard according to the tape inserted.

Signal system
Analogue, composite, 'Colour under'.
Geometry Helical
No. of rotating heads 2 *
Scanner diameter 62.0 mm
Rotation speed 25 rev/s
Tracks/revolution 2
Head-to-tape speed 4.85 m/s
Video track angle 57.83 degree
Track width 49.0 µm
Track pitch 49.0 µm
Azimuth ±6.0 degree
Tape Properties
Coercivity 850 Oe
Type Cobalt modified oxide
Width 12.65 mm
Thickness (total) 21.0 (max) µm
Tape Consumption
Linear 23.39 mm/s
Areal 0.017 m²/min
Shelf volume 120 (E-240) cm³/h
Electrical Characteristics
Sync tip carrier frequ. 5.4 MHz
Peak white 7.0 MHz
Chroma s/c 0.627 ** MHz
Shortest wavelength 0.63 µm

* More heads are sometimes provided for improved slow motion etc.
** Strictly fsc + (44 fh + 1,953) Hz.


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