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The high band version of Video 8 retains the same footprint on tape, with embedded track finding and following, and a down-converted chroma sub-carrier. Significantly higher luminance frequencies are recorded on tape with almost double the frequency deviation of Video 8, yielding increased resolution and reduced chrominance-luminance cross-talk. There are no longitudinal tracks but an option records time code on the helical tracks between the video and PCM audio data.

Signal system
Analogue, composite video, FM and PCM audio.
Geometry Helical
No. of rotating heads 2
Scanner diameter 40 mm
Rotation speed 25 rev/s
Tracks/revolution 2
Head-to-tape speed 3.12 m/s
Video track angle 4.91 degree
Track width 34.4 µm
Track pitch 34.4 µm
Azimuth ±10 degree
Tape Properties
Coercivityf 1500 approx Oe
Type Metal particle or1050 approx ME
Width 8.00 mm
Thickness (total] 10 (ME&MP) µm
Tape Consumption
Linear 83.88 mm/s
Areal 0.064 m²/min
Shelfvolume 89 cm³/h
Electrical Characteristics
Sync tip carrier frequency 5.7 MHz
Peak white 7.7 MHz
Chroma s/c 0.732 ** MHz
Shortest wavelength 0.4 µm

* Tape magnetic properties are not stated in the standard; suitability is ascertained by comparison with reference tapes.
** Strictly 46.875fh. Track 1 has phase continuous chroma s/c, track 2 has phase retarded 90° at every horizontal interval.


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